There is no denying that going through the property buying process can be one of the most stressful times in someone’s life, but it is always worth it in the end. Even though the process can be overwhelming, there are some things you can do to make everything go that little bit smoother.
With prior planning and organised packing, moving to a new home can make the process a little more enjoyable. Ensuring that you get everything done in time, and all of your belongings organised can be tricky. That is why we have put together this guide on how you can make sure your move goes smoothly.
This may sound like one of the most obvious points, but creating a list of everything you need to do will ensure nothing is forgotten. This could easily be done by creating a spreadsheet on your computer of everything that needs to be carried out before moving day, and even a list of what items belong in each room. Having a list you can tick off as you go, will hopefully leave you feeling confident that you have not managed to forget anything important.
It is also a good idea to do this for every aspect of the moving process, which can include things such as approximant costs of removal van hire.
While you are packing, you will probably realise how much-unneeded clutter you have and come across items you do not use anymore. There is no better time to have a declutter than when you are packing as this can be hugely beneficial to the moving process. You won’t need to take as much with you, which can save you money in the long run!
Having some sort of plan before your moving day will be a massive help. Having an idea of where your new furniture will be placed will be hugely beneficial, and this can be done extremely easily by creating a rough sketch of each room or using a floor plan document to see what fits in where.
Another way to stay organised is by colour coding or assigning a number to each box which matches to a particular room. That way, when putting the boxes into your new home, it will be a lot more organised.
Once you have your completion date and know when you will be moving into your new home, we would suggest starting to pack as early as possible. Additionally, you should also look into how you are going to get your belongings to your new home; will you be using a removal company, hiring a van or getting help from your family and friends? It is best to figure out a plan as soon as possible, so you know exactly what will be happening on your moving day.
As most of your belongings will be packed into boxes, it can be hard to find the essentials you are looking for. This is why it is a good idea to have one box which has some essentials in so you don't have to dig through lots of boxes to find what you are looking for. This could include items such as medication, phone chargers and any important documents.
The rooms you should make up first on moving day are the bedrooms. This will mean after a long day spent moving and unpacking, you will have somewhere nice and comfy to retreat to!
As long as you stay organised and make sure everything is in order when moving day comes, your move should go pretty smoothly! Of course, there may be some problems that arise, especially if you are moving further afield, but just take your time and try to use our tips to help.
Here at Godfrey Short & Squire, we have a wonderful range of homes for sale in Okehampton. Okehampton can be the perfect location for those who work in Exeter as the city is only a half an hour’s drive away. This picturesque town is only a stone’s throw away from Dartmoor National Park where you could easily spend the weekend exploring the woodlands, valleys and looking at some of the breathtaking views in the country. If you want to know more about any of the properties listed on our websites, then please do not hesitate to get in touch on 01837 54504.